
How to Order

Traffic Stop Reporting is racial profiling collection software created by Law Enforcement Software Solutions. We created Traffic Stop Reporting for agencies who volunteer, or who are mandated, to track traffic stop information in effort to prevent profiling. TSR is a simple solution that can provide statistics within minutes of running reports.

To receive a quote for TSR-Hosting, TSR-LAN, or Police Daily Activity log fax or email us. Please include department's name and contact name in addition to email address, fax number, and phone number. Law Enforcement Software Solutions will provide you with affordable solutions that will meet your department's needs. Our fax number is 573-875-1884. Our email address is

TSR-Hosting Edition:

Traffic Stop Reporting Hosted Edition is a server and software solution for agencies that would like for their employees to enter traffic stop information from any workstation with access to the Internet. With TSR-Hosting, multiple users can add traffic stop information from different workstations at the same time. Mobile laptop users that have access to the Internet will have the ability to enter stop information before they clear their car stop. The users can run a query to view their stops by date. With TSR-Hosting all the users needs is a short cut on their desktop to connect to TSR-Hosting.

TSR-LAN Edition:

TSR-LAN is a server and software solution for departments that would like for their employees to enter traffic stop information from any workstation within the local area network. With TSR-LAN multiple users can add traffic stop information from different workstations at the same time. Mobile laptop users that are on the same network will have the ability enter the stop information before they clear their car stop. The users can run a query to view their stops by date. With TSR-LAN all the laptop users need is a short cut on their desktop. TSR-LAN works in combination with TSR-Desktop.

Police Daily Activity Log:

Police Daily Activity Log is a server and software solution for agencies that would like for their employees to log Daily Activity or “Incidents” from any workstation within the local area network. With Daily Activity Log multiple users can log incidents from different workstations at the same time. Mobile laptop users that are on the same network as the server will have the ability to enter their daily activity logs before they clear the incident or end their shift.

Contact Information

    Law Enforcement Software Solutions
    & Consulting Service
    2000 E. Broadway #278
    Columbia, MO 65201
    Phone: 573-239-7019
    Fax: 573-875-1884